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Virtual Reality Laboratory
Technical University Sofia
Blvd. "Kliment Ochridski" 8

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Home » Projects » Implicit Features

Implicit Features

Project  state: Completed

Implicit or “hidden” are the features of objects that cannot be felt by the observer through his/her senses (i.e. magnetization, radiation, humidity). For the research of these features it is necessary to use additional means that expand the sensory range of the observer’s different sensory channels. Traditional approaches make use only of a few of the explicit features of virtual objects (mainly geometric, structural and topological characteristics) for their creation. The supplement of implicit features, the selection of an appropriate combination of stimuli for separate sensory channels, their effective presentation to the observer and the ability for their modification directly in the virtual world will turn this situation in a way that may lead to a breach in the generally accepted practices in different research fields, thus allowing for the virtual reality to unfold its potential as a means for extensive presentation of the complete feature space of the designed objects. Respectively it will considerably enhance the information perceived by the observer during object exploration in the virtual environment. As part of the proposed project it is planned to conduct a complex research of the approaches for description and presentation of implicit features of objects in a virtual reality environment targeting at the improvement of their immersive perception and enhancement of their informational content. The practical experimental testing of the developed solutions will be conducted with a specially designed for the purpose testbed. The validated during the project results will produce a significant impact over the development of the research and the technologies for information presentation and have the potential to be exploited in the industry and everyday life of the society.