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Лаборатория за виртуална реалност
Технически Университет-София
бул. "Климент Охридски" №8

Tел.: +359 2 965 25 74
Мобилен: +359 884 06 99 96
Български (Bulgarian) English
Проекти » LaSciSo

Large Scale Industrial Structural Optimisation for Advanced Applications

Уеб сайт: http://lasciso.eu/

Състояние: Приключил

Members of the lab together with other colleagues from the TU Sofia participated in different directions of the project like mesh optimization and smoothing after topology optimisation, mesh export facilitating import of the optimised topology in CAD applications and researching and profiling the applicability of HDF5 for storing data during topology optimisation.

Mesh optimisationMesh export using splinesMesh export using splines